lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Fourth class

Resultado de imagen de donald duck in mathmagic land

Hello everyone!

📽️ In today's post we will comment on the second part of the video: Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land. This part would be between 2:50 - 7:17. As we already talked in his respective post, in this part of the video Donald is taken to ancient Greece, where he will meet the father of mathematics and music, Pythagoras. But before that, our friend the narrator will explain how Pythagoras with the help of mathematics, specifically fractions, created the musical scale that we know today.

In this fragment of the video we find the following content related to the theme of geometry: music, pentagrams and Pythagoras. In addition, there is a content that will help us to introduce today's class: the Pythagoreans and the secret emblem, which in the case of video is the pentagram (a 5-pointed star). Since the previous classes, we have been creating a climate of motivation for mathematics, now the motivation will come hand in hand with the fact that we will ask students to create a community like the Pythagoreans to share the knowledge we have about what we learn in class.

At this point, the students already have some basic notions or at least have an idea that is the subject of geometry and that is related to it, since in the first part of the video they had to write down those things they saw in the video related to geometry. Thus, for the first activity of this class we will use those first notions that they pointed or drew in the previous class.

Before entering fully into the activities we will do with the students, we can enter this web page where they explain how the musical scale is created. Although this page could not be used in class with the students, it is good that the teachers have an idea of ​​what the class is explaining. Therefore, some basic notions of what is going to be seen in class does not hurt to review them.

📝 ACTIVITY 1: for this activity we will ask the students to create "an emblem" for the class, as well as to think of a name like "the Pythagoreans". This activity is very useful not only to encourage debate, fellowship and work the assembly in class, since everyone must agree, but they are reviewing mathematics content, and especially the flat figures, because with these same They have to create an emblem for the class that represents them.

⚗️ EXPERIMENT 1: for the next experiment we will use content related to music. For them we will create a monochord in class so that students can see how Pythagoras created the musical scale. In the following link, in the pages from 4 to 6, there is the explanation, the procedure to build the monochord, as well as the materials and an explanation of the experience with it.

Resultado de imagen de monocordio

⚗️ EXPERIMENT 2: in this second experiment we will carry out the "acoustic geometry". In this video they explain step by step how to create this experiment, that we can work in class, less the part that requires the use of professional tools that can be done by the teacher outside the classroom. With this experiment we will see how geometric figures are formed from frequencies that we create with the mobile in an application.

Resultado de imagen de geometria acustica

I hope you stay and help us in this exciting trip through Mathmagic Land!

Marta Woman Teacher: Light Skin Tone

📖 GLOSSARY: ​​monochord is a string musical instrument similar to the zither but with a single string and with the rectangular sounding board.

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Seventh class

Hello everyone! 📽️ In today's post we will comment on the last part of the video: Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land . This part would...